In order to make purchases on this site, you must follow the following steps:

  1. a) Select the product(s) of your interest and add it(ies) to the "shopping bag";
  2. b) You must click on checkout.
  3. c) Subsequently, enter the data to start the purchase process, either through the Registered Customer modality or, under the Non-Registered Customer modality. In the latter case you must include your name, surname, address and email.
  4. d) Once the previous information is completed, the chosen product will appear on the screen, its price, the method of payment and the total cost of your purchase order. However, you must accept the Terms and Conditions of this site.
  5. e) Once the purchase process is complete, the order receipt will be sent.


Payment methods

Once the items of your choice have been added to the Shopping Bag, the Client must register their data so that they can make the payment:

Payment with bank cards. That is, any credit or debit card that is usually accepted by KUNA. Therefore, these cards must have been issued by national banks in Chile. Cards accepted are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International and Magna. Aspects related to the operation of the bank cards accepted on this site are subject to the existing contract between the client and the issuing bank, without Kuna having any responsibility in relation to the aspects indicated in said contracts.

The products offered on this platform are traded safely. To provide this guarantee to the Client, the Company has an agreement with an external provider of online payment services, with extensive experience and a presence in high-growth markets.

The data provided by the Client will be shared with the provider for the exclusive purposes of providing the service, which include payment processing and transaction validation through an anti-fraud system, in order to minimize the risk of identity theft. the cardholders.

When making the payment through this modality, the Client authorizes the confidential treatment of the information by the provider. Personal, credit card and purchase data travel encrypted on the network, thus being protected.

The Company, on the other hand, is not responsible for the possible commissions that the credit card operators could apply.

Before closing their purchase and having entered their personal and shipping data, the Client will enter their credit card data, which will be charged the total amount supplied by the Platform.

The confirmation of the Purchase Order will be carried out once the corresponding instance verifies that the payment was actually made. For this, the company has a virtual account, provided by the payment system provider, through which it can consult in real time the status of the transactions made by the Client.

With the confirmation ready, we proceed to start the dispatch process, from which the term associated with the chosen delivery method begins to run. Keep in mind numeral 3 letter b) of the terms and conditions: Delivery Methods)

In the event of a problem with the payment made, a Sales Assistant from the Company will contact the Client as soon as possible.