Transactions made through the website, hereinafter called "", are subject to these Terms and Conditions, as well as current Chilean legislation, in particular Law No. 19,496 on Protection of Consumer Rights and Law No. 19,628 on Protection of Private Life. To purchase through the KUNA in Chile page, it is necessary to accept the Terms and Conditions that govern the provision of services between KUNA and the users of the “” site, or any other electronic means available.

It is suggested that you read this document carefully so that you know the terms and conditions that govern the contractual relationship, for the purposes of consent, when the consumer has obtained clear, understandable and unequivocal access to the general conditions thereof. Therefore, when using electronic means, the Terms and Conditions described below will be accepted.

Legal representative

For all purposes related to this instrument and the use of the site "", the Company appoints Emma Teresa Rui - Jun Patthey, general manager of Pirka Inversiones SA, domiciled in Alonso de Córdova 4242, commune of Vitacura and city of Santiago.

Privacy policies

PIRKA INVERSIONES SA, is a company legally constituted and registered in Chile, under the sole tax role, 79.693.800-5, domiciled at Avenida Alonso de Córdova 4242, commune of Vitacura, city of Santiago; which values ​​and respects the privacy of its clients. 5


The treatment of personal information collected through the Platform is the responsibility of the Company, and is subject to Law No. 19,628 on "Protection of Private Life" - and other applicable rules or regulations.

The purposes for which this data will be used are limited to the processing of purchase orders and communication with the Client, so that their concerns can be quickly addressed or information related to the brand that may be of interest to them can be provided.

Information collected online

Data collected by automatic means

The information collected online includes that which is collected by automatic means as well as that which is of a personal nature and which the Client enters manually.

The data collected automatically during the use of the Platform will be used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information and verifying the correct functioning of the virtual store. Some of these include, for example, the pages that the client views on the website, information about the type of browser, the Client's IP address, among others.


The KUNA online store makes use of Google Analytics, a tool that uses temporary files created on each browsing device – called “cookies” – to store information for different purposes. These include knowing the Customer's purchasing preferences –such as recently viewed categories and products– and storing the products they wish to purchase in the Shopping Bag.

Personal data provided by the client

The Client must register their personal data –in case they had not previously created an account– in order to execute their Purchase Order. The personal information that you must record in the registry includes your names and surnames, Identity Card (CI) or Passport Number, gender, date of birth, telephone, address, Region, Country.

Next, you must indicate the password that will allow the purchase of products, therefore, its administration will be the sole responsibility of the client. Eventually, in case of loss, theft, theft or misuse of the key or any other event of this nature, the client will have the obligation to inform as soon as he becomes aware of this circumstance.

Likewise, and depending on the selected payment method, data such as credit card number, expiration date and verification code may be collected.

The data provided by the client will be considered reliable and it will be the responsibility of the client to keep them updated. These will be treated confidentially and will be used exclusively to process the purchase and delivery.

Use of Information Collected Online

The collection of information through the Platform has three main objectives:

  • Properly process and validate the Purchase Order.
  • Establish timely communication with the Client to provide the necessary support in the event of any type of eventuality.
  • Keep it updated regarding the products, services, campaigns, offers or other marketing action carried out by the brand.


Transmission of information

In order to provide the Customer with a secure purchase process, the Company has an agreement with an external provider of online payment services.

The data provided by the Client will be shared with the provider for the exclusive purposes of providing the service, which include payment processing and transaction validation through an anti-fraud system, in order to minimize the risk of identity theft. the cardholders.

When making a payment under the modality of "Payment with Credit Card", the Client authorizes the confidential treatment of the information by the supplier. Personal, credit card and purchase data travel encrypted on the network, thus being protected.

Customer rights

The Client, by registering their personal data on the Platform, expressly grants their consent to the Company so that they are used for the purposes described in this policy. This information can be edited in order to correctly process future purchase orders.

The Client, if he wishes, can stop receiving emails with marketing content from the brand. To do this, you should contact Messages related to the use of the account and/or other administrative notifications may be dispensed with as long as it is deleted, for which the Client must communicate this decision by email.

Privacy Policy Update

The Terms and Conditions will enter into force from the date of its protocolization and will remain in force until its modification, which must mediate the respective protocolization and from that moment it will begin to apply. Therefore, the Company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. However, the changes will be made on the basis of what is stipulated in the applicable legislation and ensuring, above all, the protection of personal data and Customer satisfaction.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, all those transactions that have been carried out in the interim period between the day the new terms and conditions were reported and the day they come into effect are understood as acquired rights of consumers and will be respected by KUNA. .

The Company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. However, the changes will be made on the basis of what is stipulated in the applicable legislation and ensuring, above all, the protection of personal data and Customer satisfaction.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Privacy Policies that regulate the operation of this Platform, the Client may contact the Company through the Customer Service line +569 3190 6028 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or by email to